Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ashley Lost Her 1st Tooth

Last night while Ash was eating corn on the cob for dinner, she told me that her tooth was hurting really bad. I told her to come and show me because I thought maybe she had a cavity. She opened her mouth and I saw a permanent tooth growing in on the bottom, but she hadn't lost any baby teeth yet. Once I wiggled the tooth in front of the new permanent one, it was so loose that we decided we could pull it out. She wiggled it for about an hour, and it seemed like every 2 minutes she would come and ask us to look and see if it was out yet. I told her she would know when it was out. Rob went out to the garage and grabbed these pliers. Ouch! He convinced Ashley that it was just a tool to check her tooth.
After a few twists and turns, it finally came out.
It's too bad permanent teeth grow in so quickly:(


A Arte de Paola said...

Ó Dios mio, que chiquitita guapa!
Me recuerdo muy bein de mi primera ventana.

Kyle said...

She looks so happy! Yea Ashley!

Anonymous said...

How fun! Alison is missing a tooth after the dentist had to pull it. (She fell off the roof of her playhouse onto her face.) It's been 18 months and still no permanent tooth. I can't wait for it to grow in! =)

Kahananui said...

That is adorable! Ash is so cute. I love that last picture of her with the blood all over but she just looks like the happiest little girl!

Sarah said...

What?! Already? I can't believe that! That means Hannah could start loosing teeth too!! Wow it seems like we just got them all in!

Debbie said...

Aleck is dying for his teeth to fall out!
He went to Dr. Neilson the other day and he said by Dec the bottom two should be out...:)

Natalie said...

Amber was so fascinated by the prospect of earning money for her teeth; when she saw this picture of Ash, she said, "Can I call her and ask if she earned some money from the tooth fairy?" Ashley looks so cute and I can't believe she's so old!