Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fall Break in Utah
Posted by Amy at 7:43 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Happy 9th Birthday Brooklyn!!!
My favorite cake decorator at Kohler's made this cake for the party. She always has such creative ideas! I thought this tombstone cake was appropriate since we were having a haunted forest.
The girls were screaming as soon as they left the house...but, I will say that they were all a lot braver than they were last year. The only kids that had to be carried were Amber and Cooper. Hunter of course didn't even leave the house because he is such a scaredy cat!!! After my comment on my last post about Ryan's little boy being motherly, Ryan has been testing Hunter and Cooper to see which boy is more manly. Hunter was definitely ahead in this contest until Ryan brought out one of the freaky Halloween masks that they use for the haunted forest. Hunter is so scared of those, as soon as he saw it he grabbed Cooper by the shirt and hid behind him...as if a boy 7 months younger could protect him...that was not one of my proudest moments!
Look closely and you will see Rob hiding in the Sheriff's office at the bottom of the hill in my parent's yard. Doesn't he look like the guy on Scream?!!! He really scared the girls when he popped his head out the doorway!
This is Ashley and her friend Maddy wearing the masks after the boys were finished with them. Do you see why Hunter was so scared?!!! Remember the gorilla...these are much worse!
My sister-in-law Stephanie was the only adult that dressed up in a costume...Doesn't she look adorable?!!!
Posted by Amy at 10:30 PM 7 comments
Labels: Birthdays
Sunday, October 12, 2008
We came to Utah for the nice fall weather...this is what we got-
Posted by Amy at 5:57 PM 4 comments
Labels: Vacations
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Conference Weekend

Brooklyn had some what of a distraction today during conference...Last night her Grandma took her shopping for her birthday that is next week and she picked out this Pet Shop house. She thinks it is so cool that this morning when Rob sat down at the table to eat, Brooklyn said, "Dad, I'll bet you wish you were a girl so that you could play with this." And let me tell you, she was dead serious!!!
After we watched the 1st session, Rob had to leave for the airport to fly to Atlanta for a golf tournament:( We were so sad that he didn't get to spend the rest of Sunday with us...but at least this trip is mostly pleasure! So, the girls and I played "beauty parlor" as I got them ready for the day. What ever is Hunter going to do in a house full of girls?!!! Don't they all look cute?!!!
How the heck does a 21 month old boy manage to color the bottoms of both of his feet green? I still haven't figured it out...the only one downstairs with him was Brooklyn, and I don't think she did this. Doesn't he look pleased with himself?!!!
Tonight was Ryan A.'s birthday (I have to add the A. because Rob and I both have brothers named Ryan, and Rob's only sister married a Ryan). The cousins all had fun playing together...except Hunter. Tonight he was more concerned with finding all of the matchbox cars and giving them to me to hold, so none of the other kids could play with them...Sorry Landon!
Posted by Amy at 7:59 PM 9 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Golden is Gone:(
Posted by Amy at 11:06 AM 4 comments