On Wednesday night we went to the Easter Pageant at the Mesa Temple. It was awesome! It is such a great way for the kids to understand why we celebrate Easter. Hunter was nervous of the soldiers at first, but he quickly warmed up to them and wanted a picture with one. We had great seats this year because we got there 3 hours early to put blankets on the seats that we wanted to save...Even though there was a HUGE sign saying "NO RESERVED SEATING". We were only gone long enough to eat dinner at Sullivans, I swear:)
On Thursday Ashley had her Easter Egg Hunt for her kindergarten class. She was really fast at collecting her eggs:) Thanks to 5 years of being trained for family egg hunts! This is Ashley and her BFF Hannah.
For Easter weekend this year, we decided to go camping. When we made our campsite reservations 3 weeks ago, we imagined the weather to be perfect like it was when we went camping over spring break...Not so! Lucky for us we have a heater...Not so lucky for the family next to us that was camping in a tent. The temperature dropped into the low 30s during the night...that family miraculously stayed 2 nights but they were packed up and gone early the second morning. I think I would have gone home midnight day 1! The heavy rain that didn't let up all night on the second night must be what finally scared them away! We were able to dye our eggs up there, but we got rained out before we had our egg hunt:( Ashley was sure excited by the color of this egg that she dyed!
Hunter was really nervous at first. He doesn't like to get dirty, so he started by just watching Alyssa and playing with the stickers.
This egg was Rob's pride and joy this year. An Alexander family goal is to dye the most natural colored eggs so they are REALLY hard to find. I think this is the best one I have ever seen! Paas made a camouflage dying kit this year...It is awesome!
Hunter loved the color of his blue egg! WOW!!!
Anyone that knows Brooklyn, knows that she is quite the "Daddy's girl". Rob is perfect in her eyes! She made this egg that said, "I love Daddy!" Unfortunately for me, it was not followed by an "I love Mommy" egg:( ...that is until Alyssa and Ash made one for me:)
Once Hunter started to put eggs into the dye, he couldn't stop. He would even take the eggs that had already been dyed and put them in a different color. I love babies hands after they've dyed eggs!!!
The kids had fun playing horse shoes. Alyssa and Brooklyn tried to throw from the same distance as Rob...Ashley at least threw them, but not from very far away...
Hunter's idea was the best...To heck with throwing, why not just get a "ringer" this way?!!!
Hunter worships the ground Ash walks on! Anything she does, he wants to do!
I bought hat looms for the girls to make beanies. Since I had to teach myself by reading the instructions, I thought it might be too complicated for them to figure out...it wasn't! They spent HOURS knitting these hats. Even Ashley could do a lot of it...all she needs is a little more patience:)
Alyssa was the most dedicated...Unfortunately for her, she used the baby size loom on her first one and that hat only fits her dog's head:(
My poor left-handed daughters! It took a while for Brooklyn to figure this out, until I taught her to go backwards. Then her fingers could finally do what they needed to do. Once the girls hats were done, they didn't take them off until we got home. They want to start a business selling hats:)...Apparently they think $5 would be nice pay for a hat that takes them 2 hours to make:)
Rob and Hunter took a nap while we made hats
The kids had so much fun at our Easter Egg Hunt this year! They have gotten really good at finding the "hard" eggs! Even Hunter found one that was hidden in the grass. Brooklyn found the most of everyone. After we thought we had found all the eggs, we only counted 73 out of 75. There were 2 missing. Since Rob took a picture of all the eggs when he numbered them, (yes, he really did) he was able to tell the kids what colors to look for. The deal was if anyone found a missing egg, they would get $10 per egg. Ashley found both of them. She got $20 for that, and then she also got 2 out of 4 of the grand prize eggs. (Amazing since she found the least amount next to Hunter) Her prizes were 1 day with no jobs and a Daddy-daughter date to McDonalds, which she was really excited for. After she went last night, she admitted to me that it would have been a lot more fun if the other kids would have been there to play with her.
I think this may have been my first Easter dinner that did not have ham as the main dish. Since we got rained out of camping a night early, we still had all of the stuff to make tin foil dinners. Rob made us some really yummy ones in our fire pit in the backyard.
Alyssa grand prize for the Easter egg hunt, was a mommy-daughter date to get pedicures. We had so much fun together and even got matching toes! Brooklyn and Ash were really jealous!!! Actually, I think Hunter and Rob were too:) Hunter was jealous of the nail polish, and Rob was jealous of my nice smooth feet:) Maybe they need to go have a father-son date:)
I finally pulled Ashley's second front tooth out today. The 1st one came out a couple of weeks ago, but this one was not going to come out on its own. The permanent tooth was already growing in behind the baby tooth, so today I told Ashley it was either coming out with me pulling it, or with pliers (like her first tooth). I couldn't get a good grip with the pliers, so I pulled and pulled with my fingers, and it finally came out. Isn't she cute! Now we get to look forward to the perfectly sized permanent front teeth!...yay!

I love Ashley's two missing teeth. It's adorable! I must admit, I miss Rob's easter egg hunts. They always were really fun! Love the hats! We miss your girls and Hunter!! Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks (even if you'd rather be in Boston) :) Oh and have I ever told you that I LOVE your coutertops? I haven't seen them since they got done...but they look fabulous! Cute ideas for the prizes as well. You guys are such a cute family. Love ya
Oh, your kids are so adorable! I can't wait to see you all in a few weeks. That camo Easter egg is probably the coolest I've seen this side of Russia, and I love the competitive drive in the Alexander Family egg hunts. I think all of us girls (okay, fine, Hunter and Rob can come too) should get pedicures while you're in Utah.
Way to keep the Alexander tradition alive! :) What fun prizes... I love the pedicure picture too cute! I can't believe Ashley let you pull her tooth out... and that you DID IT!!! Your crazy! :) I'll send my kids to you when they have a tooth hanging by a "string!" She looks so cute missing her two front teeth!
You are so creative.. Mother of the year. I can just read your blog if I ever need cute fun ideas for the holidays! Your camping trip looks so fun... Andy bought a motor home when we moved back to the US so we should meet up somewhere between Utah and Arizona for a camping party! Darling kiddos!
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